Marina Ventures LTD Consulting LLC
Developers, Designers and Builders
of the World's Finest Marinas and Wave Attenuators


Waves can be attenuated by using a combination of width, depth and mass.
Wave Attenuators can also be effective as debris diverters. (Right)

This Wave Attenuator in Boston (Right) is anchored in depths exceeding 30', and survived Hurricane Gloria.

Our floating Wave Attenuators are designed to help protect boats and marinas from incoming waves and debris in areas where fixed rubble mound breakwaters are either unnecessary or too costly. Wave Attenuators will not work in every environment, so careful review of the site conditions is critical in determining the viability of a Wave Attenuator.

When compared to the costs of purchasing and gaining permits for fixed breakwaters, floating Wave Attenuators become very attractive because of their (comparatively) low cost, and their minimal impact on the environment. In fact, many projects could not be built were it not for the protection offered by floating Wave Attenuators.

Please contact us if you need assistance in determining whether a Wave Attenuator would benefit your site.

Marina Ventures Corporate Headquarters:
480 West Road Aiken, SC. USA 29801

Domestic Sales:
(443) 421.2487
Int'l Sales Phone:
(410) 522.4007

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